Tradtionele kerst

Traditional Christmas

62 products
    62 products
    Mood_Company Schommelpaard van hout wit - 22 cm hoog
    White wooden rocking horse - 22 cm high
    Mood_Company Thee glas tartan - 350 ml - set van 2 - Catolina - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Tea glass tartan - 350 ml - set of 2 - Cartolina - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Mood_Company Plaid winter rood grijs wit - 130 x 160 cm - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Plaid winter red gray white - 130 x 160 cm - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Mood_Company Tafelkleed tartan en beige - 140 x 180 cm - Queen - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Tablecloth tartan and beige - 140 x 180 cm - Queen - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Mood_Company Kerstbal rood met glitters - 8,2 x 9 cm - set van 4 - Nuvola di Stoffa
    Christmas ball red with glitter - 8.2 x 9 cm - set of 4 - Nuvola di Stoffa
    Mood_Company waxinelichtjes kerstboom - 6 stuks
    Christmas tree tea lights - 6 pieces
    Mood_Company Kerstballen groen metallic- glas - set van 6 - 8 cm - Boltze Kerstbal
    Christmas balls green metallic - glass - set of 6 - 8 cm - Boltze
    Mood_Company Kerstballen Roze - 2 stuks
    Christmas balls Pink - glass - 2 pieces - 10 cm - Boltze
    Mood_Company Kerstboom hanger cedeautje rood en roze Kerstbal
    Christmas tree pendant gift red and pink - set of 4 - 8 cm high
    Mood_Company Windlicht notenkraker - glas wit/groen - set van 2 - 9x10cm - Werner Voss
    Lantern nutcracker - glass white/green - set of 2 - 9x10cm - Werner Voss
    Mood_Company voorraadpot tartan glas - 1000 ml - nuvole di Stoffa
    storage jar tartan glass - 1000 ml - nuvole di Stoffa
    Mood_Company Kandelaar glas - 10 cm hoog
    Candlestick glass - 10 cm high
    Mood_Company Serveerschaal tartan - 35,6 x 21,2 x2,8 cm - keramiek - queen - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Serving bowl tartan - 35.6 x 21.2 x2.8 cm - ceramic - queen - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Mood_Company Tafelkleed tartan en beige - 140 x 180 cm - Queen - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Tablecloth tartan and beige - 140 x 240 cm - Queen - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Mood_Company Schort beige met schotse ruit - 65 x 75 cm - queen - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Apron beige with tartan check - 65 x 75 cm - queen - Nuvole di Stoffa
    Mood_Company Water- wijnglas - 14 cm hoog - 1 stuk
    Water-wine glass - 14 cm high - 1 piece - nuvole di dustfa
    Mood_Company Kaarsenhouder groen - 2 stuks
    Mood_Company Kaarsenhouder groen - 2 stuks
    Candle holder green - 2 pieces
    Mood_Company voorraadpot tartan glas - 450 ml - nuvole di Stoffa
    storage jar tartan glass - 450 ml - nuvole di Stoffa
    Mood_Company Stompkaars ivoor - (w/h/d) 2x18x2cm - 1 stuks
    Pillar candle ivory - (w/h/d) 2x18x2cm - 1 piece
    Mood_Company Schommelpaard van hout/metaal, 2 stuks, B22 x D5 x H17 cm
    Wood/metal rocking horse, 2 pieces, W22 x D5 x H17 cm
    Mood_Company Keramiek kerstman groen, goud-  22 cm hoog
    Ceramic Santa Claus green, gold - 22 cm high - Wurm
    Mood_Company Adventskalender, boom van vilt, B73 x H95 cm - Wurm
    Advent calendar, felt tree, W73 x H95 cm - Wurm
    Mood_Company Schaaltje met ster - goud - set van 2
    Mood_Company Schaaltje met ster - goud - set van 2
    Bowl with star - gold - 1 piece

    Celebrate the holidays with a touch of Scottish elegance with our exclusive collection Traditional Scottish Christmas Decorations. This carefully curated collection brings a traditional feel to your home, with stylish decorations that are perfect for a classic Christmas. Discover our wide range of products, designed to add warmth and sophistication to your festive interior.

    Available Products:

    • Christmas decoration

    • Candles:

      • Scented candles: pine, wrapped in tartan motif, but also our delicious winter warmer, customers also call it Christmas in a jar.
      • candle holders for a warm, festive glow

    • Tablecloths:

      • Tablecloths in classic Scottish plaid patterns
      • Luxurious table runners with subtle tartan details
      • Matching napkins for a complete table setting

    • Table decoration:

      • Tartan napkin rings
      • Festive decoration

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